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Player stuck inside an empty world radius
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was changing between 2 REGULAR servers, and while waiting for the respawn time delay, i changed the HDR from very low to low to see better in the night.

When i finnaly respawn, i respawn inside a radius of empty world also with my character not visible, 500m away from my last disconnection point.

I tried different regular servers and nothing. Then trying to restar the character i've changed my steam name and my in-game name. Restarted day-z, changed HDR from low to very low again and ta-da! my character was restarted and respawned in other place.

Picture attached.

Server= Regular


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Regular server X
  1. Change to a Regular server Y, and while waiting for respawn delay time change your HDR from very low to low.
  1. Player respawned 500m away from disconecting point inside a radius/esphere of empty world, player also not visible.
  1. Changed my steam name, dayz in-game name and restarted DayZ,in the menu change HDR from low to very low.
  1. Character restarted for me with everything correct as if i respawned normally.

Event Timeline

FENS edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 1 2014, 7:17 PM
FENS set Category to category:playerstuck.
FENS set Reproducibility to Random.
FENS set Severity to None.
FENS set Resolution to Fixed.
FENS set Legacy ID to 620815677.May 8 2016, 6:26 PM


Thanks for sending in your information regarding this problem. I was unable to reproduce the issue, but if you have the chance of creating a video that shows the bug, it would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


FENS added a subscriber: FENS.May 8 2016, 6:26 PM
FENS added a comment.Jun 8 2014, 5:36 PM

That would mean that i would also loose all my characters again, but if i loose them playing, i could try it again. It was just changing the HDR from very low to low while waiting for the spawn delay of a server with pc specs: cpu fx8320 3.5ghz hd7870 2gb gpu 8gb ram, just in case the specs help you

If you get the chance to reproduce the issue and at the same time create a video, it would help out a great deal since I've had no luck reproducing it myself.



FENS added a comment.Jun 26 2014, 2:16 PM

I had the same issue again in version 0.46

I changed HDR from very low to low near the shore, and i automatically went into the middle of the sea, also not seeing nothing in a radius.

Switched back to very low and went again to the initial position. Did it again and the same happened.

Due to the fact in 0.46 there is another character data, i will try to record this this afternoon. i attached the pictures i shot.

Should i make another post including version 0.46?

If you post it in here it would be just perfect. Thanks for getting back on this issue FENS :)

FENS added a comment.Aug 5 2014, 3:51 AM

This issue seems to be fixed. Now i can enable HDR up to low. Don't know if it was a graphics card driver problem ( always have them up to date ) or an issue related to this type of AMD g.card. Thanks for the support.

Good to hear FENS :) I'll close out your issue then. However, in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to open up a new issue in the Feedback Tracker.

