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Steaks and/or Meat Not Available after Killing Cows
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I've approached cows, hit them with an axe, attempted to View Contents of the body, but nothing shows up.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Logged into First-Person Hardcore Server
  2. Approach Cow
  3. Kill with Axe
  4. Hover mouse over body
  5. Scroll mouse-wheel
  6. Only "View Contents" and "Hide Body" are available.
  7. Scroll to "View Contents"
  8. Press F-Key
  9. Inventory screen opens, but nothing displays at left-hand side.

Tried twice on same server, could never retrieve steaks.

Event Timeline

silencerx set Category to category:items.
silencerx set Reproducibility to Always.
silencerx set Severity to None.
silencerx set Resolution to No Bug.
silencerx set Legacy ID to 879751776.May 8 2016, 6:24 PM

You need a knife in your hands and then use the action menu to gather the meat.
It's not a bug you only don't know how it works.

Yeah, I was thinking that was possibly the reason - just like with extracting wood and sticks from trees and bushes. It seems with killing an animal, one should be able to extract meat from carcass (eventually with additional implementation) regardless of how one kills it (with the exception of perhaps shooting the animal's body to hell with bullets).

Yep, this needs to be closed as NOT A BUG. Just saw a video of someone harvesting an animal with a knife after they shot it - this behavior wasn't clear in Silent Hamst3r's note above.