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I have a link to a site with a working free map hack for DayZ SA
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I already created a post on reddit 2 weeks ago talking about russian hacker, who used it, but people didnt seem to believe it. That time i didnt have a link, because that ruskid was a greedy bastard and didnt want to share it with his fella human being.
Now i have it, and i can share it with game dev or smb related to a game community because i obvly dont want to create more cheaters.
I am getting scared that it's free and anyone can use it - meaning we will have to encounter a tonn of cheaters soon unless DAYZ team will do smth about it.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

If you send me a message which proves that you are dev or smth i gonna send you a link - to make sure this info wont be used by more and more players to hack

Event Timeline

Ukrainian set Category to General.
Ukrainian set Reproducibility to Always.
Ukrainian set Severity to None.
Ukrainian set Resolution to Suspended.
Ukrainian set Legacy ID to 4080041678.May 8 2016, 6:12 PM


feel free to post any links to any cheats in this issue. They will be forwarded to BattlEye staff for analysis.

Thanks for replying, the link is

I never used it, but, the guy i was playing with, says it doesnt require a registration and is free to use.

Thanks for sending the link. It has been processed by our team.

We appreciate the effort!