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Interuped switch between version result in BE global ban
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Interrupted switch/updating/downgrading between versions result in BE global ban.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Play experimental
Opt out of expermental beta
While game is updating, crash kill or dc steam
Relaunch steam
Continue update
Get in game - get ban.

( For me it was Banned than unbanned than banned and then again unbanned and now again banned )

normal 0.42.116002
experimental 0.44.123800

Additional Information

Basicly if you crash in the midlle of the update process - you get normal version of dayz with files of experimental build

Easier way to reproduce is just to copy some files from experimental to normal.

BE ignores us ( i'm not the only one with this problem ) - i asked a friend of mine to do repro.

If need additional info or repro - contact me via email in my feedback profile.

experimental and normal version prior 22 april. Can't test in current for obvious reason.

Event Timeline

sYs edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 24 2014, 4:30 PM
sYs edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
sYs set Category to Other.
sYs set Reproducibility to Always.
sYs set Severity to None.
sYs set Resolution to No Bug.
sYs set Legacy ID to 3545134034.May 8 2016, 5:59 PM
R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 5:59 PM
R834 added a comment.Apr 24 2014, 4:33 PM


Unfortunately nobody on the Feedback Tracker is able to help with bans. You will need to continue trying to contact BattlEye.

[email protected]

Note that if you have been banned on ARMA 3 then your ban will carry over to DayZ.
