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Hackers Shooting through walls
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Ever Week we get killed by cheaters using hacks as simple as deleting texture files and you all know about it! Lock them or make it so that server checks if they are missing so that person tryn to cheat gets banned.

Also it is used on Experimental!!! You got like 6 experimental servers and are unable to track down cheaters!


Legacy ID
Additional Information

How about you guys fix this problem? I´m sick and tired of gathering gear for hours so i can loose it to a cheater that shoots through walls!
Yesterday me and my crew all got killed for a 5x time in one month by a cheater.

We do not care about items as long as we loose them to such simple bug!

And not to talk about stupid random sounds, TOOO LOUD Sea sounds, and tree sounds! But that is off topic.

Event Timeline

NEW_MAN edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Apr 22 2014, 11:55 AM
NEW_MAN set Category to Multiplayer.
NEW_MAN set Reproducibility to N/A.
NEW_MAN set Severity to None.
NEW_MAN set Resolution to Duplicate.
NEW_MAN set Legacy ID to 1267026015.May 8 2016, 5:56 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 5:56 PM

We had the same problem in berenzino.
They shot our legs over 600m in a house down. Normaly they where unable to see us. But without walls they are able and hit our legs.

Old and well knows issue with a lot of similar tickets.

The problem at the moment is: "people"/intelectually challenged kids:

  • delete .pbo files
  • start the game (without .pbo files > not getting loaded)
  • put them back in the folder
  • and join (BE just see all pbos are there)

It's just that simple to do without being catched.

Me and my friends (usually we are about 7 - 8 people at the airfields) get shot by cheaters of this kind at least once a day. I just stopped looting stuff and just keep my gear at the minimum > some food and a weapon.

They already know about it and rocket already mentioned they are aware of it and try to fix this soon. It's just not that easy as it seems to non-devs. I'm afraid you have to get used to it or play something different till it has been fixed.

Look at this central hacker thread please:

This is a duplicate report. Please use the search function before posting an issue.

Refer to #0008589 for further development or to provide additional information on the issue.

Thank you.