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Zombies can visually detect the player and/or animals at any range.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Zombies are able to detect, and aggressively react to players, as well as wild-life, at any distance regardless of the Player's stance(prone, crouched, standing). At times, they are able to see through buildings and obstacles as well.

Issue also manifests itself as having zombies simply appear out of the blue, running towards the player. Unclear whether they detected the player through a wall or were spawned already aggroed to the player.

Most problematic as of the recent update to Stable, 0.47.124641. {F30768}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Have a zombie face your direction at any range.
  2. It will immediately spot you and sprint towards you, regardless of proximity.
  3. The Zombie will not stop until you've killed it, or it killed you.
Additional Information

Screenshot #1 - the zombie is obscured by my iron sight. The zombie saw me all the way from the middle of the road ahead(way behind the red house), and began running towards me.

Screenshot #2/3 - Zombie spots me across 150 meters of fence and shacks, and sprints straight towards me until termination. In the third picture, the zombie is a tiny dark mark over the fence.

Screenshot 4 - Another Zombie who easily spots me across 150-200 meters while my character is crouched.

Event Timeline

TiredMiner edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TiredMiner set Category to category:aibehavior.
TiredMiner set Reproducibility to Always.
TiredMiner set Severity to None.
TiredMiner set Resolution to Duplicate.
TiredMiner set Legacy ID to 3864975403.May 8 2016, 5:49 PM
TiredMiner added a subscriber: TiredMiner.

UPDATE: 0.47.124641
As of the recent Stable Update, this issue has become exacerbated by the sheer amount of zombies spawning in towns, as well as their pathfinding and persistence in chase. Zombies NEED to have their aggro distance capped, otherwise Player on Player interaction is compromised, especially in urban environments.

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 5:49 PM
R834 added a comment.Aug 1 2014, 8:22 PM


Thanks for the feedback, however this has already been reported.

Closing as duplicate of #0001023: Zombies detect us at ridiculous range (More than 120mts)

Please vote up the original issue to increase visibility, add any extra information in the notes section, and monitor it for further developments.