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New update - Desync/Lag issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is the second thread i have made now involving desync/lag issues. Originally i posted about this problem, which turned out to be a game-wide problem, or so i thought.

With the new update as far as i am aware, the desync/lag issues were solved, and back to normal-ish, but i am still experiencing extreme lag/rubberbanging, no connection messages etc on every server i go on, making it unplayable for me.

If i am wrong and this is still a problem for everyone, then please discount this message, but if it is me with the problem, i need to find a solution.

Previously, i noted that i had Dayz game crashes, but this does not occur anymore. Instead it is solely disconnection/rubberbanding issues resulting in death, i cannot run for longer than 1 minute without experiencing chain connection issues.

Tom {F30668}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Over 10 servers joined, same problem on each. Dayz switched from stable to exp, same problem still occurs.

Additional Information

The game version on server list states that it is 0.43, whereas just as i am joining the server in the top left, it says 0.42, im not sure if this is the problem, or whether that doesn't actually make a difference.

I have uploaded my dxdiag report, anything else you need, please reply.

Event Timeline

Poveyz edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 25 2014, 12:09 PM
Poveyz edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Poveyz set Category to Performance.
Poveyz set Reproducibility to Always.
Poveyz set Severity to None.
Poveyz set Resolution to Fixed.
Poveyz set Legacy ID to 1138626532.May 8 2016, 5:40 PM
Poveyz added a subscriber: Poveyz.

Edit: Dayz.rar folder uploaded.

ReZiiN added a subscriber: ReZiiN.May 8 2016, 5:40 PM

These problems are still under review, I am having serious rubber banding when i Sprint out of a Town or City, I suspect it is caused by the Zombie re-spawns but am unsure. Furthermore I avoid this problem by playing Hardcore, and if not I walk or jog more than sprint and sit down periodically on a long journey to save location. However sprinting away from a populated zone rubber-bands me back to where I began the sprint every-time.

FENS added a subscriber: FENS.May 8 2016, 5:40 PM
FENS added a comment.Jun 8 2014, 11:28 PM

With 20+ players, runining trough tight spaces, doors,steps,holes in walls/fences... will for sure take you back before the obstacle.

Hello Poveyz,

I'll close your ticket since the connection/rubberbanding issues should already have been fixed. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to open up a new ticket in the Feedback Tracker.
