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Game Freeze, FPS Drops and ULTRA LAGS since Patch 115106
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since the patch 115106, Game is not playable anymore. On a server with more than 5 Players, everyone has FPS drops, big lags and gamefreezes after a little while. Game runs 5 mins normal and than lags and fps drops incoming. We tested the FPS and Lags on a empty Servers (10 diffrent Servers) with 5 Players, after a while lags and fps drops are gone pretty bad, until unplayable...

edit: WTF.... lags are so hard, that i cant move my charakter out of a building... after 5 min of waiting, game freezes and wont let me log out... pls fix this fast... this patch was the most shittiest patch ive ever seen, dont put more loot on it, before Server are not running stable... im serious!


Legacy ID
Game Freezes

Event Timeline

MajorDutch set Category to Game Freezes.Feb 10 2014, 2:16 PM
MajorDutch set Reproducibility to Always.
MajorDutch set Severity to None.
MajorDutch set Resolution to Duplicate.
MajorDutch set Legacy ID to 2319905756.May 8 2016, 5:03 PM

Duplicate of #0008262

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This is a duplicate report. Please use the search function before posting an issue.

Refer to 0008308: Bigs fps drops, Extreme lag, Game Crash for further development or to provide additional information on the issue.

Thank you.