...regarding the current state and build of DayZ:
1)option to empty bottles/canteens (if no purification pills but a fresh water sources are available)
2)loot takes damage if you shoot at it or hit it with a melee weapon (e.g. baseball bat hitting a on the ground lying handgun)
3)option to drink/eat continuously until whole content is depleted. drink from water pumps/wells until your stomach feels full
4)if Climbing through a window is not possible, maybe an animation to jump/ dive headlong through windows.
5)let some sinks/toilets still have some water?
6)store items in cooking pots
7)possibility to interrutpt ongoing animations
8)option to look around properly when using a ladder
9)option to quickly leave ladders?
10)put loot in your hands and carry it in your hands, if there is no free slot in your inventory available. You would need to lay the item down to access other items in your inventory. (e.g.: carry mosin on back, hold M4A1 in your hands)
11)option - hotkey to drop items you currently hold in your hands
12)make first aid boxes on the walls of some buildings actually lootable
13)sitting locks body (as with ALT) and one is only able to turn head instead of whole body
14)sitting on benches
15)option to use rotten food with canteen/bottle of water for contamination purposes.
16)suggestion for loot: chocolate bars: one on each server contains a golden ticket to the hype train.
17)shades and helmets may lessen sun glare
18)some handcuffs may also come with their keys already
19)option to "use flashlight with compass" to find directions at night
20)in addition to visible breath: head (maybe even shoulders) should be steaming when player is audibly exhausted due to running/sprinting
21)visibility of breath also from zeds/other players?
22)pointing as a gesture
23)keybinding: toggle/equip next/last item in quickbar
24)indicator in quickbar where item is actually placed (backpack, top, trousers, container...)
25)wider area in which you can select and pick up loot. scavenging loot outside the inventory is just a tedious inconvenience
26)better balance between the two looting techniques. (inventory/vicinity - direct)
27)better control over "placing loot in your vicinity"
28)option to use already emptied cans to refill with fresh water, as long as they are in the players hands. returning the can to the inventory spills all its content.
29)contents of damaged bottles/canteens shall decrease over time; use of duct tape may inhibit this though
30)bind loot rate/availability to amount of active players on server. The more players on a server the more (special) loot. a "soft" way to prevent "gearing up on empty, private servers"
31)option to "push open" certain (random) doors of shacks/buildings, may it be using only the body or by using tools (crowbar), adds noises and a new trade-off option
32)looting of containers (cupboards, fridges, lockers, etc); action menu shows "loot xyz" when cursor points to container. 5-10s animation that indicates looting process -> random loot added into the vicinity window of inventory.
Several pros: you don't have to actually spawn the loot into the world as long as nobody searches for it. effectively more items available for gamers but without the corresponding load for the server. slower pace in scavenging (already rushing through buildings in current builds)