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Corpses disappear when the player dies...
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Well, when i kill somebody, the player that died press "Exit" or "Respawn" and him corpse disappear and i'm impossible to get him loot...


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Just kill and the corpse disappear

Event Timeline

backiardi set Category to category:characters.
backiardi set Reproducibility to Always.
backiardi set Severity to None.
backiardi set Resolution to Open.
backiardi set Legacy ID to 2547531916.May 8 2016, 3:20 PM

PRO TIP: English past 2nd grade.

Summing it up, the respawn button on servers seems to be glitched forcing a disconnect and reconnect. It's making the dead body disappear and not allowing friends to grab loot off poor fallen comrades body, or bandits to collect spoils.

Personally the glitch has its advantages at the moment, cutting down on KOS and people running back to their bodies. Would like to see it fixed in the future though..

Rusk added a subscriber: Rusk.May 8 2016, 3:20 PM
Rusk added a comment.Dec 24 2013, 1:33 PM

PRO TIP#1: Dont be such a schmuck!

PRO TIP#2: Nevertheless funny as fuck!

Anyway this ones a major bug and needs fixing asap. Thanks!