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Sometimes AI stop any movements and stands like a statue [when in danger mode!]
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I play a lot against AI at the full complexity. Unfortunately upsets me one fact. Very often, during the fight (when enemy AI already in danger mode), this AI stops any movements and freezes like a statue. He stands 5-10 seconds with a raised rifle without any cover near. Note! At this moment, the direction of view such AI-unit can be directed even into different direction, relative to its enemies! Such behavior looks bad and not realistic. In such cases, the AI-soldier looks like a doll or mannequin.

The main idea of this ticket: a experienced soldier can not stop and stand at full height, when the danger. He must or don't stop moving or go prone position. Please make the AI never to stop the movement more than 3-4 second, if this AI located in danger mode, and at full erect position simultaneously.

Thus, this unit must maneuver and move in different directions, especially if AI has a high level of complexity.
Full stop movements should be only if AI, will is in the prone position.
This behavior will look realistic.


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Play in Arma3, against AI-infantry.

Event Timeline

mickeymen set Category to AI Issues.
mickeymen set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
mickeymen set Severity to None.
mickeymen set Resolution to Open.
mickeymen set Legacy ID to 2709563174.May 8 2016, 1:39 PM