I have a mission that crashes when using '#missions' as admin. I have narrowed down the problem to my description.ext. In it, I use...
#include "\x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_mission.hpp
to utilize CBA's macros. So every time I use '#missions' as admin the server will crash and throw an error on the server.
The error was reported to CBA but there is nothing they can do as it's an issue with the engine it seems. Refer here to the CBA post: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/issues/240
"It's a game feature/issue - when you do "#missions", the game will work through all MP missions and do some parsing of the description.ext files in all of them. If a mission tries to include a CBA file and CBA isn't loaded, the game crashes.
Not a CBA issues - the crash will occur every time a file in a #include-statement cannot be found." - Killswitch00