When piloting or gunning in any armed vehicle, the crosshair is forced upon the player which in turn kills immersion. This has been a problem that has plagued A3 since Alpha/Beta/Launch/Now and I would guess that it SHOULD be a fairly easy fix; a simple on/off switch for that portion of code.
If you REALLY want to see how annoying it is then go into editor, go to a heavily wooded/crowded urban area, put down multiple armor/infantry/vehicles units, then suit up in the Wipeout and try to get them. You'll immediately notice the crosshair RUINS the point of having any remote amount of in-vehicle HUD. Honestly, the fact that I haven't seen any other tickets on this is baffling considering I, along with hundreds of others, have expressed outrage that this simple problem has kept them from multiple kills.
I don't mean to rant, it's just a pretty annoying problem that hasn't been fixed that's plagued me since the beginning of the game.
Thank you, Jason.