Without using the setCustomAimCoef command, the centre of the screen is always the nominal (perfect) aim point for the player's weapon. Any deviation of the weapon aimpoint from this aim point is due to weapon sway.
OBS: Executing player setCustomAimCoef 0 during a mission does not centre the weapon aimpoint on screen. The aimpoint locks at whatever point on the screen the weapon is pointed at when executing the command. This makes the crosshairs near useless after command is executed.
EXP: Executing player setCustomAimCoef 0 should centre the weapon aimpoint on the screen. The setCustomAimCoef script command should only affect magnitude and speed of weapon sway from the nominal aim point (centre of screen), not freeze weapon sway in place. {F27692} {F27693} {F27694} {F27695}