Bought the game yesterday, have been getting random crashes in both singleplayer and multiplayer. There's no pattern that I can recognise at the moment (From crashing the moment I enter a game, to crashing after 15 minutes of playing).
I have ran Memtest with no issues found, I've looked at my system through Dxdiag and CPU-Z to see if there were any issues (no issues found). I've ran System File Checker with no issues found. I've played and switched between Beta and non-beta, and I have verified the game cache.
I have also deleted my profile, and followed instructions to fix the issue through Regedit [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\arma3.exe]. Arma3.exe didn't exist, so I followed further instruction to create it and create 'UseLargePages' (REG_DWORD) with '0' as its value data.
My PC information:
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @3.40GHz (Quad core duo), 12GB DDR3 RAM, 64bit Operating system, x64-based processor. OS Build 10586.36. Nvidia GeForce GTX 560
My latest troubleshooting report can be found here: