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Always if i startet to play on a friens privat server
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Always if i go over steam to my friends with a privat server i put the password in and then it looks like that arma open automaticly a new arma 3 window and immidertly i recive the win error massage arma exe not respond but i close this massage and click again on the already open arma window and than i connected to the server but no inpunt works.same when i entry the server without an open arma window he open again 2 windows and same error massage from windows follow arma exe not respond.
if i tried this procedure 2-3 times that it works without problems
anybody have an good idea {F27594} {F27595}


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

like on the top written.

only to say : 8gig ram 1660mhz

intel xeron 4x 4 ghz

Inno 3d hercules 770 nvidia

Event Timeline

Crazymoos set Category to Error Message.
Crazymoos set Reproducibility to Always.
Crazymoos set Severity to None.
Crazymoos set Resolution to Open.
Crazymoos set Legacy ID to 1827767174.May 8 2016, 1:19 PM

Add the rpt files.please.

Thank you Master Blubb for fast responding and your interrest i put all rpt filse in one rar hope this me if you need something to make my issue clear

yesterday i found out that always if i connect to any server multiplayer,privat etc a new arma window open it and the new window wants to open the connection but than comes the win error message ,but if i close this new window imidertly and go back to the first open window i can start normal the connection to the privat put in pw and works without problems that is now an little contermesure for me

Thank you community....... problem solved with last in the Patchnotes