An odd thought struck me the other day while waiting for a helicopter on the 77th JSOC CoOp server...
why would I (ArmA me, not "me" me) carry my launcher on my left shoulder if I fire it from the right? ergonomically, it seems a very cumbersome choice...
if it were "real me" in there, I'd have the launcher on the right, and the gun strapped across my left much like a guitar - upon coming upon something that needs blowing up, I could easily just let go the rifle, let it hang at waist high, then swiftly and safely swing the launcher from my back into firing position
in ArmA, however, this isn't the case - and an awkward overhead "switcheroo" is performed, at the (oft realized) risk of grave injury or death...
So, is there an actual reason for this curious choice to seemingly not observe basic human body ergonomics?
if not - then this warrants a moment of thought, doesn't it?