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[SERIOUS] All clothing and vests are missing armor values
Assigned, WishlistPublic


In viewing the armor values on clothing and vests, you can see that all the armor values are the same (near zero). The nature of this issue has not affected any mods, however it will be very influential to all gameplay to play without armor. All other values such as weight and load remain the same.


Legacy ID
Personal Protection Armor
Steps To Reproduce

1- Go in to virtual arsenal
2- Go into clothing or vests tab
3- Scroll the wearable options
4- Check the bottom right (Default area for stats) for armor values
5- Pick any armor (GL vests have the most armor usually)
6- Shoot AIs using the armor with any caliber rifle
7- Note that the bullets will go straight through the armor due to the lack of armor values.

Event Timeline

IB0BI edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 1 2015, 9:56 PM
IB0BI set Category to Personal Protection Armor.
IB0BI set Reproducibility to Always.
IB0BI set Severity to None.
IB0BI set Resolution to Open.
IB0BI set Legacy ID to 945903443.May 8 2016, 1:10 PM
Sirloin added a subscriber: Sirloin.May 8 2016, 1:10 PM

Armored Vests like the Carrier Rig do stop bullets, depending on range and caliber. Tactical Vests don't (and never have).

That said, the armor values are missing from the arsenal, and are not all that informative (as they only tell you how good the clothing is against explosives, not direct penetration). Having a display for the 'passthrough' value would be nice as well.