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Zeus 3D editor — possible improvements towards 3D object control
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


Hello there.

With the introduction of 3DEN in dev branch I can't help but suggest to translate some of the UI changes to Zeus.

Widgets, especially ones such as "translation" and "rotation" are essential in Zeus, as they allow for simpler and exponentially more precise placement of objects.
It would allow us to create much cooler object compositions, that are not possible to achieve with current Zeus object placement interface; such as objects partially dug into the ground or precisely placed without snapping to other collision maps.

New 3d object placement system is a great improvement over the old one, so I'm really hoping to see it in Zeus.



Legacy ID
Zeus - Feature Request
Additional Information

It is now possible to work around this issue using code to find and translate objects in space.


{ _x setPosATL [(getPosATL _x select 0),(getPosATL _x select 1),(getPosATL _x select 2) -0.3]; } forEach ((position bis_curator) nearObjects ["Building", 2]);

Will find any "Building" type objects in 2 meters radius from bis_curator object and translate them -0.3m from their current posision in Z axis, making low camo nets or prone sandbag battle positions possible.

Event Timeline

Arkhir edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Dec 1 2015, 1:38 AM
Arkhir set Category to Zeus - Feature Request.
Arkhir set Reproducibility to N/A.
Arkhir set Severity to None.
Arkhir set Resolution to Open.
Arkhir set Legacy ID to 3934444751.May 8 2016, 1:09 PM