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Arma3 wont start 0xC000007B
Closed, ResolvedPublic



when i start everytime this error massage comes

{F27392} {F27393} {F27394}


Legacy ID
Game Startup

Event Timeline

jayraider set Category to Game Startup.Nov 15 2015, 6:04 PM
jayraider set Reproducibility to Always.
jayraider set Severity to None.
jayraider set Resolution to Fixed.
jayraider set Legacy ID to 61023596.May 8 2016, 1:06 PM

arma3dwi.rar is wrong sry

Adam added a comment.Nov 16 2015, 8:20 AM


These errors are usually raised when some DLLs are corrupted or missing or when they are replaced with an incompatible version. It may also happen that you placed a DLL file in the game folder that is loaded instead of the genuine one. Possible solutions:

Verify the integrity of the game cache using Steam.
Re-install DirectX.
Uninstall the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (x86 version), restart your computer and install the package again (do not use the Repair function).
Run the Windows System File Check tool to repair corrupted system files.
If you are using post-processing tools like Reshade or SweetFX or utilities like RadeonPro remove them.
Re-install the game; remove all files from the game installation folder and then verify the integrity of the game cache using Steam.
To identify the precise DLL that is causing an issue, download a 32-bit version of the Microsoft Dependency Walker and open arma3.exe with it. The libraries with a red icon are the corrupted ones.

Adam added a comment.Nov 16 2015, 10:30 AM

Hello your library C:\Windows\SysWOW64\xinput1_3.dll is outdated.

Please reinstall directx. Thank you.

yes thank you its works now :)