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[Feature Request] Move group into house position
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


When giving a group a move waypoint inside of a building, the leader will move and correctly navigate inside of the building until it reaches the waypoint, but the rest of the group will not find suitable positions, they will only stay in standard formation.

Under Waypoint Attributes > Waypoint Transformation, I see there is a "House Position" option. I assume this is meant to replace the "Position in house" option from the 2d editor, but I could not find any documentation or clarification on this option.

I suggest that the rest of the group members are dynamically given positions in the building if the "House Position" feature is "active." Or, possibly have the option to select specific positions as before but with expanded functionality for other group members.

It would also be nice to have some clarification on what the "House Position" option does under Waypoint Transformation.


Legacy ID
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Spawn a fireteam
  2. Give the group a move waypoint inside a building. (e.g. inside a specific room/on the second floor)
  3. Play scenario and watch as the leader moves to the waypoint and the group stays in its standard formation.
Additional Information

I am unable to find any difference in behavior between enabling and disabling the "House Position" option. Some clarification on what this option does would be good to know.

Event Timeline

Sceptre edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 6 2015, 10:56 AM
Sceptre edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Sceptre set Category to Eden Editor.
Sceptre set Reproducibility to Always.
Sceptre set Severity to None.
Sceptre set Resolution to Open.
Sceptre set Legacy ID to 773970049.May 8 2016, 1:03 PM
PR9INICHEK added a subscriber: PR9INICHEK.