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DX error device removed and 0x00001_status_wait
Closed, ResolvedPublic


textures loading slower, and in lower quality, especially on terrain, fps stays the same (about 45-50), after few minutes in game, it crashes with DX error - device removed and 0x00001 status_wait. i have attached file with the arma bug report. {F27254}


Legacy ID
Not Fixable
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Connect to any server, or start editor, move in game, and after few minutes game crashes.

Additional Information

When it's first happen - <<i had noticed that my graphics parametres changed (not by me), fps, bloom and quality of picture had increased, than game had crashed by DX11 error...>> Reinstalling the game not helped

(my PC is "asus n551jm in max conf", nvidia video driver version is 358.50)

Event Timeline

scratch_one edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
scratch_one set Category to Game Crash.
scratch_one set Reproducibility to Always.
scratch_one set Severity to None.
scratch_one set Resolution to Not Fixable.
scratch_one set Legacy ID to 4242826062.May 8 2016, 12:57 PM
Adam added a comment.Oct 15 2015, 8:27 AM


thank you for your report and files. Your problem is that DirectX crashes. This may be from various reasons, such as outdated DirectX, outdated drivers, overclocked CPU or GPU [by manufacturer or user] and many more.

Sadly, there is nothing that can be done from our side. I linked this problem to bug number #0000579, where you can read useful tips in comments. Also, please check out the forums page for another useful tips:

Sorry for the inconvenience, have a nice day.