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Arma 3 Troubleshooting Report

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please report this on Arma 3 Feedback Tracker ( Thanks to you we may fix the issue faster.


System information

Date: 2015-10-14 00:09:51 / 2015-10-14 02:09:51 +02
Current dir: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3
Command line: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe"
CLR version: 4.0.30319.34014
OS Version: 6.3.9600.0 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0)
OS 64 bit: True
Process 64 bit: False
Culture: it-IT
UI Culture: it-IT


Last game report

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe

"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" "-mod=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch"

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11
Exe timestamp: 2015/09/29 17:25:45
Current time: 2015/10/14 00:59:13

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.52.132676

Allocator: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

0:59:13 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/
0:59:13 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/
0:59:13 Updating base class ->HouseBase, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/
0:59:13 Updating base class ->Thing, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ThingX/
0:59:13 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/
0:59:13 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/
0:59:13 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/
0:59:13 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/
0:59:13 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/
0:59:13 Updating base class ->House, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House_F/
0:59:13 Updating base class ->House_F, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House_Small_F/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RifleBaseLowStandActions, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/Actions/RifleBaseStandActions/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->StandBase, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/
0:59:14 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/
0:59:14 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/
0:59:14 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/
0:59:14 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).
0:59:14 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/
0:59:14 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/
0:59:14 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/
0:59:14 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/
0:59:14 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->BulletCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/CA_Magazine/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->ReammoBox, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgVehicles/WeaponHolder/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CowsSlot/
0:59:14 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/PointerSlot/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->PistolCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->WeaponSlotsInfo, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Pistol_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/ItemCore/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->ReammoBox, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bag_Base/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->ThingX, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/WeaponHolderSimulated/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->Ship, by a3\boat_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ship_F/
0:59:15 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/
0:59:16 Updating base class HitPoints->, by x\addons\a3_epoch_config\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/HitPoints/
0:59:16 Updating base class RscText->RscIGUIValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfo/CA_Speed_Freefall/
0:59:16 Updating base class RscText->RscIGUIValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfo/CA_Alt_Freefall/
0:59:16 Updating base class RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon->RscUnitInfo, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
0:59:16 Updating base class RscText->RscOpticsValue, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscWeaponRangeFinder/CA_Distance/
0:59:16 Updating base class RscOptics_AV_driverNoWeapon->RscUnitInfo, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscOptics_AV_driver/
0:59:16 Updating base class RscUnitInfoAirRTDFullNoWeapon->RscUnitInfoAir, by x\addons\a3_epoch_code\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAirRTDFull/
0:59:20 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.
0:59:20 Initializing Steam Manager
0:59:20 Starting initial content check.
0:59:20 Steam Manager initialized.
0:59:20 ==== Loaded addons ====
0:59:20 dta\bin.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 dta\core.pbo - 84186
0:59:20 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 86935
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a2_epoch_weapons.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_2.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_code.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_config.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_functions.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_language.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_structures.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_underground.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_vehicles_1.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_weapons.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\anims_f_mark.ebo - 83739
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\characters_f_mark.ebo - 85641
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\data_f_mark.ebo - 84958
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.ebo - 81923
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.ebo - 81923
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\functions_f_mark.ebo - 87002
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\functions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 87002
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mark.ebo - 72782
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\language_f_mark.ebo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85177
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mark.ebo - 86807
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_data.ebo - 83115
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_video.ebo - 81429
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86837
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark_data.ebo - 81558
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\modules_f_mark.ebo - 81710
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\modules_f_mp_mark.ebo - 87140
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\music_f_mark.ebo - 81958
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\music_f_mark_music.ebo - 81930
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\sounds_f_mark.ebo - 83408
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\static_f_mark.ebo - 84104
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\structures_f_mark.ebo - 85075
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\supplies_f_mark.ebo - 79552
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.ebo - 84397
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86988
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.ebo - 86999
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 86967
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 80475
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 82564
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 84953
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 80757
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 75138
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 84398
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 86336
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 75977
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 75065
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 84211
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 76012
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 76012
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 82564
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 79398
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 84559
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 76986
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 80475
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 85651
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 84958
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 86327
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 75687
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 86933
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 74588
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 85476
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 79398
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 83573
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 84958
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 86837
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 86674
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 addons\a3.pbo - unknown
0:59:20 addons\air_f.pbo - 86838
0:59:20 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 86965
0:59:20 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 86810
0:59:20 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 86988
0:59:20 addons\animals_f.pbo - 86114
0:59:20 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 86442
0:59:20 addons\anims_f.pbo - 86793
0:59:20 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 72362
0:59:20 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 85891
0:59:20 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 78608
0:59:20 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 72362
0:59:20 addons\armor_f.pbo - 82564
0:59:20 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 86856
0:59:20 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 86110
0:59:20 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 86840
0:59:20 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 86121
0:59:20 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\boat_f.pbo - 86857
0:59:20 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 83805
0:59:20 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 82564
0:59:20 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 85687
0:59:20 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 86243
0:59:20 addons\characters_f.pbo - 86837
0:59:20 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 86837
0:59:20 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86933
0:59:20 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 83523
0:59:20 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 85686
0:59:20 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 84064
0:59:20 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 85675
0:59:20 addons\data_f.pbo - 86909
0:59:20 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76960
0:59:20 addons\data_f_exp_b.pbo - 86189
0:59:20 addons\drones_f.pbo - 86861
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 76110
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 87001
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 86797
0:59:20 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 78762
0:59:20 addons\editor_f.pbo - 82563
0:59:20 addons\functions_f.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86767
0:59:20 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 84402
0:59:20 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 84400
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 46919
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 65850
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 86933
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 86841
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 51076
0:59:20 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 46919
0:59:20 addons\language_f.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 86792
0:59:20 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86648
0:59:20 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 86651
0:59:20 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 86295
0:59:20 addons\map_altis.pbo - 85518
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 80737
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 79087
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 79087
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 79087
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 79087
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 79087
0:59:20 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\map_data.pbo - 81846
0:59:20 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 85518
0:59:20 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 80737
0:59:20 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 79082
0:59:20 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\map_vr.pbo - 82252
0:59:20 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 82252
0:59:20 addons\misc_f.pbo - 85025
0:59:20 addons\missions_f.pbo - 86453
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 86721
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 85005
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86895
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 72362
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 75065
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 87085
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 86791
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epc_data.pbo - 84724
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_epc_video.pbo - 84725
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 86941
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 86243
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\modules_f.pbo - 86933
0:59:20 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 86933
0:59:20 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 80976
0:59:20 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 79398
0:59:20 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 85167
0:59:20 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 79398
0:59:20 addons\music_f.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 84723
0:59:20 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\plants_f.pbo - 85827
0:59:20 addons\roads_f.pbo - 82537
0:59:20 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 84519
0:59:20 addons\signs_f.pbo - 82967
0:59:20 addons\soft_f.pbo - 86906
0:59:20 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 85752
0:59:20 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85752
0:59:20 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 86934
0:59:20 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 87079
0:59:20 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576
0:59:20 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 79398
0:59:20 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 86933
0:59:20 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 85560
0:59:20 addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 84865
0:59:20 addons\static_f.pbo - 85125
0:59:20 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 79398
0:59:20 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 82090
0:59:20 addons\structures_f.pbo - 86067
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 85252
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 86882
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 85517
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 85518
0:59:20 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 85075
0:59:20 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 73106
0:59:20 addons\ui_f.pbo - 87002
0:59:20 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76325
0:59:20 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 86284
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 87081
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 86067
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86841
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 83667
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 80958
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 80374
0:59:20 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 83947
0:59:20 =======================
0:59:20 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
0:59:20 modsReadOnly = true
0:59:20 safeModsActivated = false
0:59:20 customMods = true
0:59:20 hash = 'BCAC865C4FC2821C5F40B314956F45F7F2EDA004'
0:59:20 hashShort = '6a39a491'
0:59:20 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath
0:59:20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:59:20 Epoch Mod | @Epoch | false | GAME DIR | ff89427a965c908b3ffca808c4f29e8d7441c4ae | 98dd1f80 | D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Epoch
0:59:20 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | |
0:59:20 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | 366b92fc757013c0b4085df7386e5ce9b23c8be6 | 7b5d02be | D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark
0:59:20 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 9feb68eba6267766b16e7cc4fecffd6f6e5bae8b | 71a9bff7 | D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli
0:59:20 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | bc54b397d3742c6fd7fae0259c35c49a6a6ad236 | 9547fb4 | D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart
0:59:20 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | 96e74aeedfd9af99bfe5eb17da3581a6cb3b7a55 | ec9f78e4 | D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator
0:59:20 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | |
0:59:20 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
0:59:20 DX11 - Initializing DX11 engine.
0:59:20 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0 (detected in config).
0:59:20 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0.
0:59:20 - adapter description : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M
0:59:20 - adapter vendor ID : 4318
0:59:20 - adapter device ID : 4504
0:59:20 - adapter subsys ID : 360517699
0:59:20 - adapter revision : 161
0:59:20 - dedicated video memory : 3221225472
0:59:20 - dedicated system memory : 0
0:59:20 - shared system memory : 1073676288
0:59:20 Error: JoystickDevices - CoInitilizeEx return 80010106
0:59:20 InitSound ...
0:59:20 Error: CoInitilizeEx (XAudio2-1st trial) return 80010106
0:59:21 InitSound - complete
0:59:27 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
0:59:27 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
0:59:30 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script
0:59:30 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
0:59:30 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
0:59:30 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
0:59:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaywelcome_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
0:59:32 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:33 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
0:59:36 SimulWeather - Cloud Renderer - noise texture file is not specified!
0:59:53 Starting mission:
0:59:53 Mission file: Epoch_Intro
0:59:53 Mission world: Altis
0:59:53 Mission directory: x\addons\a3_epoch_config\scenes\Epoch_Intro.Altis\
1:00:08 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
1:00:08 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
1:00:24 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_Reload_anim.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_UGL_Reload_anim.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload.rtm
1:00:25 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload_prone.rtm
1:00:39 Weather was forced to change
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload_prone.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_Reload_anim.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_UGL_Reload_anim.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim.rtm
1:00:43 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm
1:00:43 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/AmovPknlMevaSrasWpstDr.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMsprSlowWpstDf_AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon
1:00:43 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/AmovPknlMevaSrasWpstDl.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMsprSlowWpstDf_AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon
1:00:44 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\idl\knl\stp\low\rfl\aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_g01.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: aidlpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_g01
1:00:44 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\idl\knl\stp\low\rfl\aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_g02.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: aidlpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_g02
1:00:53 No default vars in bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1.variantsPlayer
1:00:53 No default vars in bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2.variantsPlayer
1:01:52 Starting mission:
1:01:52 Mission file: epoch (CUR_MP)
1:01:52 Mission world: Altis
1:01:52 Mission directory: mpmissions\
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
1:01:57 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_localCleanup"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_unitSpawnIncrease"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_unitSpawnDecrease"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_QuickTakeAll"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_QuickTakeLoad"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_effectCrypto"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_handleServerMessage"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_updateLoadingScreen"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_EnterBuilding"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_lootTrash"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_debugMonitor"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_interact"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_chopWood"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_mineRocks"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_UnisexCheck"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_PutHandler"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_niteLight"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_LootIT"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_supportCopter"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_itemInteract"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_consumeItem"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_craftItemPreview"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_craftItem"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_unitSpawn"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_antiWall"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_onEachFrame"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_maintainIT"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_lockCheck"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_countdown"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_SelectTarget"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_SelectTargetBuild"
1:01:57 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_isBuildAllowed"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_simulSwap"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_staticMove"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_returnVector"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_upgradeBUILD"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_upgradeBUILDv2"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_removeBUILD"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_changeWallState"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_QuickUpgrade"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startInteract"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startInteractNPC"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_npcTraderAdd"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_npcTraderAdd2"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_npcTraderAdd3"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startNPCTraderMenu"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_NPCTraderMenuFilter"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startNpcTrade"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_makep2pTrade"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_tradeFilter"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_takeCrypto"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startBankTransfer"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_KeyDown"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_onChar"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_publicEH"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_masterLoop"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_clientInit"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_clientRespawn"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_clientRevive"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startTRADEREQ"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_startTrade"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_tradeRequest"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_TradeLoop"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_returnConfig"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_playerFired"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_isInsideBuilding"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_Weather"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_findSafePos"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_pushCustomVar"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_itemPicture"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_itemDisplayName"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_SortArrayByDistance"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_findRandomPosBehind"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_stringLeft"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_findSapperStalkLocation"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_fnc_dirToFuzzy"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_earthQuake"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_loadAnimalBrain"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_bitePlayer"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_repairVehicle"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_lockVehicle"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_fillVehicle"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_client_gearVehicle"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_mission_accept"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_mission_cage_sapper"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_mission_returnObj"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_selectInventoryItem"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_itemInteractV2"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_uniformArmorCalc"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_gearArmorCalc"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_factorArmor"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_maxArmorInit"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_initUI"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_refeshUI"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_onPause"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_interactVehicle"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_showStats"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_invitePlayer"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_BtnMod"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_BtnInvite"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_onLoad"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_List"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_Combo"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_BtnLeave"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_BtnKick"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_cGroup_groupText"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_cGroup_onLoad"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_cGroup_BtnCreate"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_iGroup_acceptInvite"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_iGroup_onLoad"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_iGroup_refresh"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Group_update"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Inventory_Group"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_Inventory_iGroup"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_mission_refresh"
1:01:58 "CfgClientFunctions compileFinal: EPOCH_mission_description"
1:01:59 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=1.2,k=0
1:02:00 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=0.8,k=0
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitLight not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitHydraulics not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitGear not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerL1 not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerR1 not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitVStabilizer1 not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitTail not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitPitotTube not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitStaticPort not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitEngine2 not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:04 class HitPoints::HitEngine3 not found in mosquito_epoch
1:02:06 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
1:02:09 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
1:02:10 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
1:02:11 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
1:02:11 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
1:02:13 Error: selection end1 missing in memory LOD of model a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_orange_f.p3d
1:02:14 No speaker given for Ma Sun
1:02:14 No speaker given for Zev Iwu
1:02:14 Time was adjusted to keep it same as on server.
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:14 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:16 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
1:02:19 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:19 Speaker Male08_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
1:02:19 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\concrete.bisurf
1:02:19 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\rubber.bisurf
1:02:19 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=4.8,k=0
1:02:19 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\wood.bisurf
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
1:02:20 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\castIronPlate.bisurf
1:02:20 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=0.8,k=0
1:02:26 "[A3EAI] Verified all A3EAI settings in 0.00201416 seconds."
1:02:26 "[A3EAI] Initialized A3EAI Client Addon version 1.2.0. Radio enabled: true. Kill messages: true."
1:02:27 Weather was forced to change
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Network simulation, time = 0.000
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:27 Group C Alpha 1-1 (0x774a9280) - network ID 2:6288
1:02:27 - no main subgroup
1:02:28 "Trader ATMs"
1:02:28 "Creating billboards"
1:02:28 "[OX3] - artilery strike client loaded"
1:02:29 "Loaded Client Secure PVEH"
1:02:29 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Init"
1:02:29 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Start Loadingscreen"
1:02:29 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Version Check"
1:02:29 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Check PlayerUID"
1:02:29 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Check Server"
1:02:29 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
1:02:29 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Setup Player Object"
1:02:30 "DEBUG TIME WAITED: 0.0550079"
1:02:30 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Setup Player Variables"
1:02:30 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Setup EH's"
1:02:30 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
1:02:30 "EPOCH-LOGIN: Finish!"
1:02:44 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onover.wss'
1:02:45 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
1:02:45 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
1:12:15 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Thamos Manetta"]
1:12:26 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Achilleas Spiros"]
1:12:41 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Panos Manago"]
1:15:42 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Argyris Lagos"]
1:16:39 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Thanos Kanelloupou"]
1:17:41 Client: Network message a719 (update info 7aac4988) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71a (update info 7aac4330) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71b (update info 7aac4848) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71c (update info 7aac4708) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71d (update info 7aac4650) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71d (update info 7aac46f0) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71e (update info 7aac4510) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71e (update info 7aac4528) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71f (update info 7aac47a8) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71f (update info 7aac48e8) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71f (update info 7aac4a10) is pending
1:17:41 Client: Network message a71f (update info 7aac4a28) is pending
1:17:42 Client: Network message a721 (update info 7aac46b0) is pending
1:17:52 Client: Object 2:6489 (type Type_91) not found.
1:17:52 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Dimitiros Karmanlis"]
1:18:21 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Theodoros Karmanlis"]
1:18:40 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Gregor Athanasiadis"]
1:25:15 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Stergos Melidoni"]
1:25:32 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Vasilis Liosi"]
1:27:25 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:25 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:26 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:28 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:28 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:33 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:33 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:38 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:39 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:39 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:40 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:40 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:41 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:42 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:43 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:44 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:44 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:44 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:45 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:27:45 Warning Message: Picture \x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\rollins\gear_rollins_mst_ca.paa not found
1:31:28 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Elias Xenakis"]
1:31:34 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Orestis Karapataki"]
1:32:20 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Angelos Nicolau"]
1:32:54 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Evripidis Costas"]
1:33:21 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Adam Athanasiadis"]
1:35:01 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Takis Bouras"]
1:35:53 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Giannis Melidoni"]
1:36:01 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Michalis Strambopoulos"]
1:38:24 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Giourkas Xenakis"]
1:39:02 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Kouris Doukas"]
1:39:11 Fresnel n must be >0, given n=0,k=10
1:44:36 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Kostis Mastori"]
1:47:56 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Gregor Petridis"]
1:48:55 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Aris Lias"]
1:49:08 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Michalis Karagianni"]
1:51:55 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Evangelos Petridis"]
1:57:04 ["A3EAI_killMSG","Sotiris Kanelloupou"]



Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Game Crash

Event Timeline

MrWolf set Category to Game Crash.Oct 14 2015, 2:10 AM
MrWolf set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
MrWolf set Severity to None.
MrWolf set Resolution to Open.
MrWolf set Legacy ID to 2943485605.May 8 2016, 12:57 PM
Adam added a comment.Oct 14 2015, 8:43 AM

Hello, we are sorry you are experiencing issues with our game.
Could you please export your game log files from the launcher?

Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:

  1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
  2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
  3. Drop down menu will appear
  4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
  5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file

Please note that the files might take a while to collect.