I have Issues with the game and the ALWAYS have 1 error which comes when i hit the PLAY ICON on the Launcher and that will you see in the attachment (Arma 3 Error 1) i might not see that error when i start the game again by hitting the play but that error comes no matter what happen
This is not the last error i have faced coz i do get CRASH a lot of times and there is no point the CRASH happen it happen just when ever it has too and all i can see the error is in the attachments (Arma 3 Error Memory).
Let me make it very very Clear i am too new to ARMA so i have no idea how to even install the addons or anything and i havent find any need also coz i play online and have enough servers to really learn and get use to it but this is getting a way bad experince with the game that after you spend money on the games they crashes badly
I have tested the game many times it crashes offline online anywhere you say it i see no reason why this should be happning to my system and i hope i will get a good reason or a solution of it rest i am still looking for the Fourms
NOTE i can see i can upload only 1 picture so i am just uploading the Memory error what i am getting {F27241}