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Graphics crashes
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Whole graphics fail suddenly (see photo) in my tutorial (excersize) mission and it works like processor is overloaded (very slowly like 5 fps). It happens beside what graphic settings i set.. it maybe low or high... game (graphics) crashes after some time of playing tutorial {F27133} {F27134}


Legacy ID
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

just have to restart game and while playing it fails in mission suddenly

Additional Information

i have intel core 2 duo, gforce 550gti, 4gb ram, SSD disk, and play on below standard.

Event Timeline

tomek_PL edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 29 2015, 1:01 PM
tomek_PL edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
tomek_PL set Category to Game Physics.
tomek_PL set Reproducibility to Always.
tomek_PL set Severity to None.
tomek_PL set Resolution to Open.
tomek_PL set Legacy ID to 3791921985.May 8 2016, 12:50 PM
Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 8 2016, 12:50 PM
Koala added a comment.Sep 29 2015, 1:17 PM

What kind of "core 2 duo" do you use?

Were you able to play it with average or high frames per second (25<)?

Adam added a comment.Sep 29 2015, 1:38 PM

Could you please export your logs from Arma launcher and attach them?

Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:

  1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
  2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
  3. Drop down menu will appear
  4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
  5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file


intel core 2 duo g840 2.80 ghz.
I cant upload logs because i deleted game in anger- cos i expected that for this money i will receive a Game not a buggy shit crashing in all modes, in all graphic modes.

In sub standard specs it was quite normal FPS.

I had some info after closing game that it couldnt load a file from bin catalog

My insurgency, war thunder, bf 3, bf bc2 never crashed. Those games might slow down in higher specs.. but never Crash.

Can i have my money back?

Koala added a comment.Sep 30 2015, 1:42 PM

I had a similar error as I started with Arma3 (alpha release march 2013).

I actually use a GTX580 (3GB) and used Core 2 Duo with 2.60 GHz. The game ran slow as hell in all graphic modes. The CPU was a bottleneck. I upgraded my CPU to an i7 3370K (3.50 GHz). Since that upgrade I was able to play with maxed out graphic modes and 30-90 frames per second.

As far as I can see, you are playing Altis Life. Not the best game mode for a smooth gameplay (depends on how many players are online). Most of these non official game modes (like King of the Hill) use heavy scripts and are not well optimized.

I didnt have problem with slow FPS. Game was working good intil sudden crash that occured in different moments. It ditnt only slowed down but the graphics get dramatically changed into a strange rectangular form. i asked for money back and steam accepted that.