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On launch Error Compiling shader PSSpecular Alpha
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Every instance when I launch the game, with or without mods it will bring up the small ArmA3 Loading box and load the game. The screen will go black for half a second, then it gives me Error compiling shader PSSpecular alpha. This has happened 100% of the time in every circumstance I can produce. {F26940}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Launch the game

Event Timeline

zfl10 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 5 2015, 4:23 PM
zfl10 set Category to Game Crash.
zfl10 set Reproducibility to Always.
zfl10 set Severity to None.
zfl10 set Resolution to Open.
zfl10 set Legacy ID to 398009516.May 8 2016, 12:39 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: zfl10.Sep 5 2015, 4:23 PM
Adam added a comment.Sep 7 2015, 8:45 AM

Is the issue reproducible without mods?

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 7 2015, 3:25 PM

Yes. I have looked in my ArmA 3 Steam folder, and removed any mods there. It happens with and without mods. I have validated my files several times and reinstalled the game three times now. I have also updated my graphics card's drivers. No change.

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 7 2015, 9:53 PM

I also have tried switching to and from dev branch, deleting my excess player profiles and deleting my MPMission cache. No change.

Adam added a comment.Sep 8 2015, 8:45 AM

Can you please try running your steam as admin?

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 8 2015, 2:10 PM

I tried that with no result, did the same with the launcher. I did get the game to work from running the game's client itself with admin, but I'd have to reset the game whenever I tried to join a server because it wouldn't activate BattleEye. Mods still worked with it, servers still ran fine. I would really like to be able to use my A3 Launcher tool so that I can load mods more easily.

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 8 2015, 2:10 PM

I get the same error if I try and run the game without admin or attempt to run the game from the launcher

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 13 2015, 5:54 AM

Any new info?

Adam added a comment.Sep 14 2015, 10:06 AM

This issue is most likely caused by mismatch of data. Could you try verifying your game cahce?

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 17 2015, 3:01 AM

I verified my cache and now when I launch the game it gives me a blue screen which I can alt tab out of. Waited for 10+ minutes and the game never did anything.

zfl10 added a comment.Sep 27 2015, 8:33 PM

Do you have anything for me