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Cannot Launch Arma 3
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I cannot launch the game because of the error. I launch the launcher, press play, it goes through its battleye setup and things and then crashes on the launching game part.


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

It reproduces every time I try and play the game. I cannot seem to find a way around it.

Additional Information

I've tried using no launcher, I've verified the integrity of my game cache, and I've tried disabling my anti virus. None have worked.

Event Timeline

BunkaiBry edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 3 2015, 5:12 AM
BunkaiBry edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
BunkaiBry set Category to Error Message.
BunkaiBry set Reproducibility to Always.
BunkaiBry set Severity to None.
BunkaiBry set Resolution to Open.
BunkaiBry set Legacy ID to 3208683372.May 8 2016, 12:38 PM
Adam added a comment.Sep 3 2015, 8:33 AM

Try disabling mods and see if your game crashes. Thanks.

It still gives me the same error :(

Update: The game launched when I enabled one of the mods.

When I try and run the game with the same mod now, it gives me the same error.
I've tried running it with another mod, but it doesn't seem to work. It also wont launch without mods or with all mods enabled.

Also, launching with battle eye disabled doesn't work either

I also tried reinstalling and It didn't work. I'm installing it on another drive now because I have had issues in the past with that drive.

Installing it on another drive did not work. I'm out of ideas.