Here is my CfgFunctions block
class CfgFunctions
class TOTO
class TOTO { class INIT {preInit = 1; file = "recompile.sqf";}; };
class ZDB
class Default { class LOG {}; class LOOP_REQUEST {}; class LOOP_START {}; class WORKER {}; class FRIENDLY_FIRE_EH {}; class FRIENDLY_FIRE_PENALTY {}; };
Here is the error that was generated upon mission start:
22:17:23 Error in expression <FRIENDLY_FIRE_EH", [], 5, "START"] call ZDB_FNC_LOOP_REQUEST;
22:17:23 Error position: <ZDB_FNC_LOOP_REQUEST;
22:17:23 Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression: zdb_fnc_loop_request
22:17:23 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\params\init.sqf, line 52
It looks like functions defined in CfgFunction are not 100% reliable (the error above blocked ArmA in loading screen because zdb_fnc_loop_request was undefined).
I would like to know whether this is a real bug or an expected behaviour.