add capability under cfgweapons to allow class definitions that define unique weapons with attachment, name, default magazine, and default firemode configurations for specific missions so definition does not have to be global between missions and allows one to make his or her weapon keep the attachments when weapon is stored in backpack instead of losing them when scripts or other functions cannot recognize attachments on a weapon.
- Legacy ID
- 1806059399
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- N/A
- Category
- Feature Request
class CfgWeapons
class newweapon: oldweapon
Magazine="special_ammo_mag"; limited to allowed magazines[] variable
FireMode="safety"; limited to Mode_SemiAuto inhereted firemodes
class LinkedItems
{ class LinkedItemsOptic { item="optic_dms"; slot="CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item="acc_pointer_IR"; slot="PointerSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsUnder { item="bipod_01_f_snd"; slot="UnderBarrelSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsMuzzle { item="muzzle_snds_b"; slot="MuzzleSlot"; }; };
the example above could be shortened by not providing a slot variable or maybe creating an items list and have the script do the figuring out which goes where (i am not aware of how the engine does the attachments in a container because the scripting language does not have a command to handle this ( this would solve the issue of keeping track of what attachments are on the weapon while in the backpack (but creates another issue where those attachments are persistent when re-added to backpack).