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Arma 3 crashed to black screen and following error message
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Game is unplayable. Can only play in short periodes of time. Crashes all the time when on King of the Hill servers. Crash is random when it comes to time game runs, but usually within 1 hour. Crash has also happened when in config and not connected to any servers.

Validated game , still crashing. I removed all startup parameters too. Still crashing. Screen goes black and I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL and shut down the game exe.

Had some issues after last patch too:

Have also experienced twice that the launcher itself has crashed after game crash.

Basic specs:
MSI GeForce GTX 660 Gaming 2GB PhysX
Crucial DDR3 BallistiX Sport 1600MHz 8GB
Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P
AMD FX-8320 Black Edition
Latest updated Nvidia drivers and Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
Software running while in game:
Symantec Endpoint, Process Lasso, Msi Afterburner

Also tried without Process Lasso running.

NB! Arma does not generate the .mdmp file. So it is not currently included. {F26391} {F26392} {F26393}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Additional Information

I can be reached on [email protected]

Event Timeline

s3xmachinegun edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 9 2015, 4:38 PM
s3xmachinegun set Category to Game Crash.
s3xmachinegun set Reproducibility to Always.
s3xmachinegun set Severity to None.
s3xmachinegun set Resolution to Duplicate.
s3xmachinegun set Legacy ID to 147008095.May 8 2016, 12:11 PM

Additional information:

Nvidia driver version 353.06
DirectX 11

Reverted to Nvidia gfx drivers version: 331.65 to see if it anyhow was related to gfx driver. Did a clean install . That was the version linked from MSI's website to my MSI GTX 660 gfx card.

Same error. Game crashed after 00:14:44.1 seconds . Exit code: 0xCFFFFFFF / - 805306369 Reason: Unknown.

I have managed to replicate the error with the battleeye client disabled. Played on some russian server Innvade and Annex-type on Stratis map. No Battleeye running. And game still crashes . This time after 40 minutes.