Many missions/mods have implemented a way to control your view/object distance within that mission, and/or based on the type of vehicle you are in.
I suggest a dynamic view/object distance based on the altitude you are at being built into the game, so it's usable no matter what mission you're playing.
Flying a helicopter in low FPS environments when you come in for a landing at low altitudes it seems that maybe loading the higher detail textures causes the FPS to drop. When you're landing (especially with rotorlib) and your FPS drops below 25, the instant change in control and frame lag causes over-correction and oscillation, making controlling the craft very difficult.
When you're flying higher and getting >25FPS (if you're lucky), then it's not nearly the issue and often you can increase the view/obj distance w/o penalty on FPS.
On the other side of this is the fact that when you're high in the air (heli or plane), even with a larger view distance, you can only see a small spot on the ground. When at higher altitudes it would be nice if the view distance automatically increased so you can actually see the ground.
A min/max setting on view distances that automatically adjusts upward with altitude would be very helpful for this.