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Taru slingloading needs fixing NOW
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When slingloading with the taru, the tailrotor randomly dies.
This is ridiculous, it's been known for over half a year and its not fixed.
It's end game content and when it dosent work it's pretty lame. here is a video i made yesterday over a few hours. If you are a new pilot this is serten death.
It's been brought up like 5 times or something now.
Plis prioritize this issue as soon as possible <3 We payd for this shit :D


Legacy ID
Sling Loading
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get a taru
  2. Tow any type of vehicle, preferebly a truck
  3. Wait for tail rotor to blow
  4. cry
Additional Information

Arma is a very good game and i love it

Event Timeline

ReirBaws edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 8 2015, 7:52 PM
ReirBaws edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ReirBaws set Category to Sling Loading.
ReirBaws set Reproducibility to Always.
ReirBaws set Severity to None.
ReirBaws set Resolution to Duplicate.
ReirBaws set Legacy ID to 912817846.May 8 2016, 12:03 PM

Wow this glitch still exists in 1.44?
This is majorly game breaking and has already been reported whenever the Helicopters DLC first came out! I'm disappointed.

Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 8 2016, 12:03 PM
Koala added a comment.May 9 2015, 12:16 AM


Next time, please create a video with vanilla ArmA3. Some people (including me) may become prejudiced, because you video proofed the issue on a non-official map in combination with some scripts/mods (HUD bottom left and bottom right).

I was able to reproduce the same issue with vanilla ArmA3 after a few minutes of flying around with a sling-loaded car. The Anti Torque becomes magically destroyed.