at the moment:
the object(freight) "file" is translated into german as "Akte"
this is wrong
the german "Akte" means: record; paper; dossier
the right translation of the tool/object "file" is the german "Feile"
at the moment:
the object(freight) "file" is translated into german as "Akte"
this is wrong
the german "Akte" means: record; paper; dossier
the right translation of the tool/object "file" is the german "Feile"
Some other translations for objects:
old - new (suggestion)
Kreuzschraubendreher - Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher
Eisenrohr - Eisenrohre
Gaskarren - Schweißgerät
Gastank - Gasflasche
Karren - Schubkarre
(Bauholz - Baumstämme)