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Takes forever to load mission file
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This is the fifth time that this happen, when I join a server and after selecting a faction, arma 3 it takes up to 25 minutes to load the "receive mission file" loading bites at a time. This then pushes my ping up to max and beyond, where after the servers kick me for high ping. This is now getting bad. I can not even play. my Friend has the same problem.
{F25600} {F25601} {F25602} {F25603} {F25604} {F25605} {F25606} {F25607} {F25608} {F25609} {F25610} {F25611} {F25612} {F25613}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

I have cleared the arma case files as some web sites suggested with no difference.

Event Timeline

jaybot edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 16 2015, 5:52 PM
jaybot edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
jaybot set Category to Multiplayer.
jaybot set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
jaybot set Severity to None.
jaybot set Resolution to Open.
jaybot set Legacy ID to 257361582.May 7 2016, 8:17 PM

is it possible to upload your rpt file?
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\

jaybot added a subscriber: jaybot.May 7 2016, 8:17 PM

ok Hello, I uploaded some of the rpt files from both pc's that is having the same problem. during this phase that happens both our pings are more than double. this has happened before but what somehow ok the next day that we played. this time its just caring on. Please help, we both play on TOP servers and have so many friends where we enjoy this game to the fullest. yet now we can not play as our pings do not allow it. please can you help


Icemand it is doing it again right now, again I will upload those files

on the earliest rpt I was playing fine, then I got kicked and every time here after. ping now double and downloading mission file takes for ever

What I can not understand, you asked me to send you these files, yet you do not time the time to communicate or update me in anyway. although this might penalize this call, it seems that you have no interest in helping me. I have paid good green money to play this game and you having a support forum confirms that you should support. even a simple i am working on the problem will suffice. yet i rushed home to reply and send the files you asked for.

PS. if i do not hear from you in the next 12 hours i will escalate this call 0022740.