Find the Error:
The following code is executet on Server only!
It works fine on client hosted Server!
It fails on dedicated Server.
the addVehicle command must contain something like "if (isDedicated)..."
The waypointcondition "{_x in (crew T3)} count units _grp == count units _grp" is totally ignored!
what is this? Somekind of VBS copy protection or a bad joke?
To create a Helicopter-Extraktion for AI Units under enemy fire in dedicated Server environment, is a horrible nightmare!
check the code of the following commands:
addVehicle,leaveVehicle,assignAsCargo,assignAsDriver,assignAsGunner,assignAsCommander,unassignVehicle,setWayPointStatements... etc. for (isDedicated) or similar stuff.
There must be some bad ass code!