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Some aircraft hangars are placed "backwards" on Stratis and Altis, cannot move aircraft out of hangar
Closed, ResolvedPublic


6 hangars placed on Stratis and 1 hangar placed on Altis are placed backwards.

By backwards, I mean the direction of the hangar is pointing away from the runway.

This is noticeable if you spawn aircraft in the hangars that match the hangars direction. As you cannot reverse an aircraft, its impossible to get out of a hangar.

Please can you update Stratis and Altis with the hangars placed correctly.


Legacy ID
Won't Fix
Steps To Reproduce

Go to a hangar on Stratis or Altis.

Point the cursor at the chosen hangar.

Open debug console...

test = createVehicle ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F",position cursorTarget, [], 0, "NONE"]; test setdir (direction cursorTarget)

Hit Local Exec

"2e306b00# 76387: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1698.93,5053.42,1.90735e-006]"
"2e307900# 75767: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1732.45,5193.83,1.90735e-006]"
"3cd55600# 66924: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1858.3,5515.63,9.05991e-005]"
"2df35600# 66577: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1906.17,5639.7,0.000470161]"
"2df36400# 66585: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1954,5629.5,2.67029e-005]"
"2df1eb00# 64308: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1913.16,5820.46,1.90735e-006]"

"6e0d9600# 526049: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [14401.4,16225.4,-0.000520706]"

Event Timeline

Tupolov edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 30 2014, 3:23 PM
Tupolov edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Tupolov set Category to Visual-Environment.
Tupolov set Reproducibility to Always.
Tupolov set Severity to None.
Tupolov set Resolution to Won't Fix.
Tupolov set Legacy ID to 3197353084.May 7 2016, 8:02 PM
Tupolov edited a custom field.

Why can't you just spawn the aircraft rotated by 180 degrees (<i>jet setDir ((getDir hangar) - 180)</i>)?

Tupolov added a subscriber: Tupolov.May 7 2016, 8:02 PM

Are you joking?

Lots of MP game modes and missions dynamically spawn aircraft. Rather than have to statically accommodate and work around a BIS error/bug, it would be great if the environment team could take the 5 minutes in Visitor to correct the issue.

No, I am not joking. I told you how you can dynamically spawn an aircraft so it faces the correct way.

If the environment team took 5 minutes to turn the hangars by 180 degrees then all of the hangars will be facing <i>away</i> from the runway and the jets will keep spawning facing the wall. You would also have to rotate the model itself and at the end of the day all of the scripts that took the 5 seconds to accommodate for the current state would end up broken.

You may not be joking, but you really need to read the description and understand the issue being raised.

Quote"If the environment team took 5 minutes to turn the hangars by 180 degrees then all of the hangars will be facing away from the runway", um No they wont, they only need to correct the ones that are not facing the runway, correct these then ALL Hangars will be facing the runway.

The issue here as stated in the Description is that there are a number of hangars (6 on Stratis, 1 on Altis), that are facing AWAY from the runway, using your code will solve the issue with incorrectly placed hangars not facing the runway, but in turn will spawn the jets facing the wrong way in the correctly placed hangars facing the runway.

If that is the case I apologize for misunderstanding but please provide some better testing guidelines, mainly the positions of those bugged hangars.

If it's only a few hangars, why not just add them to an array and rotate the direction by 180 degrees if the hanger is one of those reversed hangars?

Of course we can do that, but the point is that it's a bug with the placement of objects on BIS maps.

Like I said, it's a 5 minute job in Visitor.

If BIS is not interested in fixing bugs, then fine :)

Adding them into an array is not very dynamic, it means you will need to have an array for every map with a check to see what map is being played, if you want your code to work across all maps.

Please first update the repro with a list of a hangars that suffers from the issue (or at least an example of one such hangar).

Hopefully I didn't waste 10 minutes of my life...

"2e306b00# 76387: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1698.93,5053.42,1.90735e-006]"
"2e307900# 75767: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1732.45,5193.83,1.90735e-006]"
"3cd55600# 66924: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1858.3,5515.63,9.05991e-005]"
"2df35600# 66577: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1906.17,5639.7,0.000470161]"
"2df36400# 66585: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1954,5629.5,2.67029e-005]"
"2df1eb00# 64308: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [1913.16,5820.46,1.90735e-006]"

"6e0d9600# 526049: tenthangar_v1_f.p3d, [14401.4,16225.4,-0.000520706]"

Iceman added a comment.Jan 5 2015, 1:31 PM

thank you for reporting the issue, I have confirmed it and assigned to the environment guys.

Maxell added a subscriber: Maxell.May 7 2016, 8:02 PM
Maxell added a comment.Oct 8 2015, 4:05 PM

This is not a bug but intended design. Tent hangar has no real 'front' side. The models are intentionally slightly different from each side. We use 180° rotations across all map objects (not just these hangars) to create variation, - richer visual - with small set of models.