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[SHIFT]+LMB Waypoint/Objective Marker Hard Too See/Unable To Change Color
Closed, ResolvedPublic


"The Objective Marker visibility issue was first reported under Bug 0001328 in March 2013 and finally assigned to Moricky on June 28. Assigned priority LOW...hmmmm...not at all 'LOW' for those of us attempting to be helicopter or plane pilots in the game.....

The reason for this additional bug-report is that somewhere between Alpha and Beta, the Objective Marker color was detached from the Active Marker group by the Bohemia team and made non-changeable from White.. there does not appear to be any control on the Objective Marker color in the current ARMA3 Beta UI. A thin black outline may have been added to the (white) Objective Marker, but against the terrain trees etc, this is pretty ineffective." - kilkennycat Report #0011189


Legacy ID
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce

Hop in game & make a damn waypoint with [SHIFT]+Left Mouse it's blatantly obvious...

Additional Information

A 20 minute fix that has taken BI over a YEAR

Event Timeline

EnragedN3wb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
EnragedN3wb set Category to Ingame UI.
EnragedN3wb set Reproducibility to Always.
EnragedN3wb set Severity to None.
EnragedN3wb set Resolution to Duplicate.
EnragedN3wb set Legacy ID to 3592426373.May 7 2016, 7:59 PM