Hello, I created a SP/CO-OP mission with 2 playable units. It works like a charm except the lack of usefull features/commands for mission makers.
Anyways, when i tested it with a friend via LAN, some triggers seems to activate once, but for every player. So in this mission, every group is created twice since there are two players present.
EVERY Trigger that uses spawnGroup, created units twice AND executed the rest of the activation code as well, such as assigning the freshly spawned group a waypoint.
I don't know what happens there and I could only try it once, since I only have one pc that can run the game at the moment.
Am I missing something about those commands being not multiplayer compatible?
I can upload the mission file, but I would have to re-write the tasks and such, as it is in German.
PS: Every Trigger was created within the editor, the only extern scripted lines are unitPlay and the basic Description.ext