- BIS_FNC_ADDRESPAWNPOSITION => respawn name (3rd parameter) is not used by BIS_FNC_RESPAWNMENUPOSITION
code extract
case (typename ""): {
_text = markertext _x;
code fix
case (typename ""): {
_text = _respawnPositionNames select _foreachindex;
if (_text == "") then
_text = markertext _x; if (_text select [0, 1] == "@") then {_text = localize (_text select [1, count _text - 1])};
_picture = if (markertype _x == "empty") then {""} else {(markertype _x) call bis_fnc_textureMarker};
- BIS_FNC_MOVETORESPAWNPOSITION => "moveinany" can move the player in a locked position inside vehicle and he can't get out anymore => if position is marker the fucntion moves all the players in the center of the marker => this is different than the standard respawn behaviour with respawn_west/east_xxx markers where players are moved in a random position inside the marker area (when marker is of shape ellipse or rectangle)