Now that setObjectViewDistance is working, i've been thinking.
As I see it now, the "Player/AI Bubble" (knowsAbout, you know what I mean) is still defined by viewDistance.
I think it would make more sense if it would actually depend on the objectViewDistance. That is, not "seeing" units that can still engage me, if objViewDist < viewDist doesn't make much sense, IMO.
But it would be pretty cool if players could "override" the normal viewDistance but still have their objViewDist "forced" by the Server. So one could, if performance allows it, set the viewDist to anything and see the whole landscape, but noone would gain any advantage by it because the objViewDistance and hence "bubble" is still enforced by the server.
Playing with 10km ViewDist and eg. 2km ObjViewDist works pretty good for me (FPS wise) but AI slows down to a crawl, obviously.