... just like vehicles do. Makes filtering easier.
side = 0;
... just like vehicles do. Makes filtering easier.
side = 0;
Not to be confused with >> http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16591
As discussed in many threads including this one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184110-Select-all-gear-classnames-per-playerside [^]
Also somewhat related talk-page of the VA system: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Talk:Arsenal [^]
Everything in the game is side-based, so it makes sense to also be able to be able to select the weapons per default side.
Not only weapons, also uniforms, magazines and items need to be made select-able per side, so we can easily restrict weapon selection systems to contain items for a specific side.
I'ts not very realistic for a Virtual Arsenal box to have a full selection of the opposing gear (also not allowed per Genevieve convention)
Filtering through soldiers and crates and extracting the weapons is a wonky work around. It would be great if filtering could be more direct.