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FIA Site Module
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Trying to make a FIA/NATO Joint SP mission. When using the FIA Site Module with a NATO person in the game. FIA will attack that NATO person. If you set down a individual FIA with NATO, FIA solider did not attack. Is there anyway we could get it change so that FIA does not attack NATO. In the editor, FIA is considered a NATO faction, but site module considers NATO an enemy.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a mission
  2. Lay down a FIA Site module any of them
  3. Then lay down NATO person
  4. Watch the results

  1. Now, Lay down FIA person on the map (not the module)
  2. Lay down NATO person on the map
  3. Watch the results.
  4. Notice FIA person did not fire.


  1. Do step 1
  2. Lay down OPFOR person the map instead of NATO.
  3. Watch the results.
  4. Notice OPFOR did not get shot at by FIA Site Module

Event Timeline

usedragon edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
usedragon set Category to Editor.
usedragon set Reproducibility to Always.
usedragon set Severity to None.
usedragon set Resolution to Open.
usedragon set Legacy ID to 3493425337.May 7 2016, 7:12 PM

Larrow's message has helped me to work around the FIA Site module. The forum can be found here Other people have commented about the FIA Site Module.

First off in your Description.ext place this.
PHP Code:
class CfgFunctions

class LARs
    class sites
        class pickSiteUnit {
            preInit = 1;
            file = "pickSiteUnit.sqf";
        class pickGroup {
            preInit = 1;
            file = "pickGroup.sqf";


PHP Code:
BIS_pickSiteUnit = compileFinal"

    _faction = _this select 0;
    _unitPref = _this select 1;

    switch (_faction) do {
        case 'BLU_F': {_faction = 'Blue'};
        case 'OPF_F': {_faction = 'Red'};
        case 'IND_F': {_faction = 'Green_army'};
        case 'Guerilla': {_faction = 'Green_para'};
        case 'BLU_G_F': {_faction = 'FIA'};

    _ret = '';

    switch (_faction) do {
        case 'Blue': {
            switch (_unitPref) do {
                case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'B_Soldier_F'};
                case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'B_soldier_AR_F'};
                case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'B_Panther_AA_F'};
        case 'Red': {
            switch (_unitPref) do {
                case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'O_Soldier_F'};
                case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'O_Soldier_AR_F'};
                case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'O_tracked_AA_placeholder_F'};
        case 'Green_army': {
            switch (_unitPref) do {
                case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'I_Soldier_F'};
                case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'I_Soldier_AR_F'};
                case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'IA_tracked_AA_placeholder_F'};
        case 'Green_para': {
            switch (_unitPref) do {
                case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'I_G_Soldier_F'};
                case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'I_G_Soldier_AR_F'};
                case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'I_G_offroad_armed'};
        case 'FIA': {
            switch (_unitPref) do {
                case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'B_G_Soldier_F'};
                case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'B_G_Soldier_AR_F'};
                case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F'};



PHP Code:
BIS_pickSiteGroup = compileFinal"
_faction = _this select 0;
_grpPref = _this select 1;

_ret = grpNull;

switch (_faction) do {

case 'Blue': {
    switch (_grpPref) do {
        case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'West' >> 'BLU_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'BUS_InfSentry'};
        case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'West' >> 'BLU_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'BUS_InfTeam'};
        case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'West' >> 'BLU_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'BUS_InfSquad'};
        case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'West' >> 'BLU_F' >> 'Motorized' >> 'BUS_MotInf_Team'};
case 'Red': {
    switch (_grpPref) do {
        case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'East' >> 'OPF_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'OIA_InfSentry'};
        case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'East' >> 'OPF_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'OIA_InfTeam'};
        case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'East' >> 'OPF_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'OIA_InfSquad'};
        case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'East' >> 'OPF_F' >> 'Motorized_MTP' >> 'OIA_MotInf_Team'};
case 'Green_army': {
    switch (_grpPref) do {
        case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'IND_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'HAF_InfSentry'};
        case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'IND_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'HAF_InfTeam'};
        case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'IND_F' >> 'Infantry' >> 'HAF_InfSquad'};
        case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'IND_F' >> 'Motorized' >> 'HAF_MotInf_Team'};
case 'Green_para': {
    switch (_grpPref) do {
        case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSentry'};
        case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfTeam'};
        case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSquad'};
        case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'Indep' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Motorized_MTP' >> 'IRG_MotInf_Team'};
case 'BLU_G_F': {
    switch (_grpPref) do {
        case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSentry'};
        case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfTeam'};
        case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSquad'};
        case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Motorized_MTP' >> 'IRG_MotInf_Team'};



Then all you need to do is place your BLUFOR site down as normal picking NATO as the faction and in the initialization place
this setVariable ["faction", "BLU_G_F"];

To use the FIA Site module, you will need to use a script to make them friendly for NATO, but individual is fine. This shouldn't be the way to do this. Is it possible to have a option in the module itself who's friendly and what not. The Mission Briefing/Intel having Independent friendly does not work at all for the FIA Site module.