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Crash when connecting to server
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When I connect to the AU #2 KOTH server my client crashes. I can connect to other servers, incl. other KOTH servers, just fine.

Windows error logs show an access violation or an int divide by zero error. This appears to happen when my client is syncing up to the server/running initial scripts just before I get dropped in to the mission, after I select my player slot etc.

I have only noticed this happening on this one server, but as it's a full client crash I'm reporting it here.

I have tried removing ARMA3 entirely and reinstalling from scratch, along with all the cached content in the appdata directory, but this doesn't help at all.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Join AU #2 Hostile takeover / King of the hill server.

Additional Information

I have attached an access violation crash dump etc. - I also have a divide by zero error dump but attaching both is too big (it's 6.5MB ish)

Event Timeline

nathan edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 13 2014, 7:25 AM
nathan edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
nathan set Category to Game Crash.
nathan set Reproducibility to Always.
nathan set Severity to None.
nathan set Resolution to Open.
nathan set Legacy ID to 4277344429.May 7 2016, 6:57 PM
nathan edited a custom field.

can you please upload at least three more crashdumps?

Thank you very much.

nathan added a subscriber: nathan.May 7 2016, 6:57 PM

Will do - I found that I could work around the issue by:

  1. Switching to another windows user
  2. Connect to the server
  3. Disconnect from the server
  4. Switch back to my main user
  5. Connect to the server

This worked for me twice yesterday and I could be in game for a couple of hours. I am not *certain* that switching the user fixed it, but, big coincidence!

I have previously tried restarting my computer without any success - it was only switching user and connecting as that user that seemed made it work - very very weird.

I will upload some more crash dumps shortly.

This issue no longer occurs on connect - the server I play on has had a recent update - but happens when I am in game - normally when I'm flying a helicopter or something so lots of passengers die :-(

I have 4 crash reports from the last day or two, so will attach them now.

Thank you for the files, they have been sent for analysis.

I can't post a note on another ticket it seems, but is identical to my issue. Same servers, everything.