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Game fails to load first Camp Maxwell mission
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Upon completing Campaign mission 2 'Situation Normal' in episode 1 'Survive', the game fails to load the Camp Maxwell mission, instead returning to the mission select screen and displaying error message:

No entry - a3\missions_f_epa\campaign\description.ext/campaign/missions/A_hub02.B_hub01

Also the next Campaign, episode 2 'Adapt' mission 1 'Signal Lost', becomes available, and two listings for the Maxwell mission are displayed under episode 1.
{F24110} {F24111}


Legacy ID
Campaign Episode 1: Survive
Steps To Reproduce

I created a new profile and replayed the campaign from the beginning, encountering this error each time, even if I reverted and replayed the proceeding missions.

Additional Information

The game attempts to load the first Maxwell mission, then suddenly tries to load a Maxwell mission from latter in the campaign episode before returning to the mission select screen and displaying the error message. The description for the Maxwell mission it tries to erroneously load is:

"NATO survivors return to their badly damaged encampment."

Event Timeline

XAViERiC edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 19 2014, 9:32 PM
XAViERiC edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
XAViERiC set Category to Campaign Episode 1: Survive.
XAViERiC set Reproducibility to Always.
XAViERiC set Severity to None.
XAViERiC set Resolution to Open.
XAViERiC set Legacy ID to 3262815960.May 7 2016, 6:47 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Jun 19 2014, 9:32 PM

we were unable to reproduce the problem.
would it be possible to upload your rpt file?
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\

Also, could you ploease try to create a new profile and see if you are experiencing the issue while using it?

I attached the most recent rpt file (there were a couple others - let me know if it is the right one), and will work on reproducing the issue with a new profile later today.

I started a new profile and attempted to replicate the issue but could not. It appears to be specific to that one profile.

I am encountering the same issue currently on Maxwell