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Sector and vehicle respawn modules stop working after “Save & exit” and “Resume”
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After resuming the saved mission, you cannot seize a sector occupied by the other side anymore. When standing at the flag in the middle of the sector after killing all enemies, the friendly/enemy ratio bar displayed at the right side on the screen remains at 100% enemy and the sector is never seized.

Also no more vehicles will be respawned at the destruction of the previous one. {F23896}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Extract the BI MPScenario “MP_COOP_m06.Altis” from “missions_f_curator.pbo” and modify “enablesaving” in “initPlayerLocal.sqf” to allow saving. Change to “disabledAI = 0;” in “description.ext”. Play the mission as BLUFOR group leader and let AI play all other roles. Then “Save & exit” and “Resume” the mission. Kill all enemies of a sector and try to seize it.

Additional Information

Sector and vehicle respawn modules also stop working after “Save & exit” and “Resume” for a single player mission.

Event Timeline

thor5viking edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
thor5viking set Category to Savegame/Loadgame.
thor5viking set Reproducibility to Always.
thor5viking set Severity to None.
thor5viking set Resolution to Open.
thor5viking set Legacy ID to 2557714089.May 7 2016, 6:33 PM


thank you for reporting the ticket. Would it be possible to upload a simple editor-made repro mission? It would help us a lot.

Thank you very much!

Iceman, note that the requested mission has been attached.

Thank you, I was not notified about it for some reason. Will look into it.