While i was creating a mod, i had some troubles using the setVectorDirAndUp command. Once understood i tought, why can't we do it more userfriendly? I saw in several forums, that i'm not the onlyone who's thinking like this. I asked my brother and showed him the sqf basics. He wrote now 3 diffrent ways to rotate an object. By simply giving the function an object and the rotation angle in degrees around the axis you want. Basically the function just fill in the vector dir and up in the setVectorDirAndUp command. Probably its possible to add it to the BIS functions or even rewrite them in a command. This functions are free to use by anyone (including BI as template for a command or function), as long as you give credit (to "bapedibupa").
I think they're pretty useful!
functions can be viewed here: