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Camera stuck in one position in commander view
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Not able to move camera position in tank (in showcase). In some not depending on mission moment, camera suddenly changed position and stuck on it. When leaning out from tank and looking around everything works good.

I think it is connected to the tank position. When you are aiming on very bottom of the screen and drive through the top of the hill camera get stuck under aiming area. Still it happens only after a few tries.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

After you get to tanks formation, when you are engaging first enemies behind hill on left, aim down and drive through the top of the hill.

Event Timeline

Reyer edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 29 2014, 1:18 AM
Reyer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Reyer set Category to Controls.
Reyer set Reproducibility to Random.
Reyer set Severity to None.
Reyer set Resolution to Open.
Reyer set Legacy ID to 516837500.May 7 2016, 6:31 PM


thank you for submitting the ticket. Sadly, I was not able to reproduce the problem. Could you please provide exact repro steps or upload a video describing the problem? It would help us a lot.

Thank you very much!

Reyer added a subscriber: Reyer.May 7 2016, 6:31 PM
Reyer added a comment.Apr 29 2014, 4:31 PM

Hard to tell how to reproduce it. It happened to me only twice. Once after 40 min of gameplay, second one while i was afking, few min after start.


I think i found when it occurs. Updating all info above.