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IR Strobe stays when object removed
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Placing and IR Strobe from Zeus, then selecting and pressing delete leaves the IR strobe effect on the ground afterwards.


Legacy ID
Zeus - General
Steps To Reproduce

As above. Nothing more

Event Timeline

KevsnoTrev edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
KevsnoTrev set Category to Zeus - General.
KevsnoTrev set Reproducibility to Always.
KevsnoTrev set Severity to None.
KevsnoTrev set Resolution to Open.
KevsnoTrev set Legacy ID to 2125217058.May 7 2016, 6:27 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Apr 19 2014, 9:42 AM

related to 0017968

thanks DemonGod - I'll close this and leave the info to have your's voted up.
I searched for IR strobe and not grenade, didn't think of that for some reason.

no problem, they are the same thing. feel free to keep this ticket open, this issue needs to be addressed. I only added that so that a dev could add my ticket as "related" in the relationships section.

I believe this was an issue in the main game before Zeus.

Just tested in editor IR= createvehicle ["NVG_TargetW",(getpos player),[],0,"NONE"]; does create and IR strobe at player's feet and deletevehicle IR removes the object and the flashing light source