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AI precision is too high, independent of difficulty setting
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As of 1.14, the AI precision is always very high, independent of the in-game AI difficulty.

First I've put the AI difficulty down to "Novice" and I noticed that they were still magically headshotting me from across 200-300m while standing. I went to "Custom" and set the Skill to 0.55 and Precision to 0.20 and it still occurs.

Something was broken during this refactoring with the latest patch.


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce
  • Play any of the campaign scouting missions (not sure if you can repro this with editor, maybe yes)
  • Difficulty of AI: "Novice"
  • go to crouch position and start shooting at some AI with your scope
  • once they discovered you, unless you're prone behind cover you're gone very soon
Additional Information

As a workaround for now, if you use custom AI difficulty setting and set skill to 0.4 and precision to 0.2, it seems playable finally. Looks like the skill setting has more to precision as the precision setting.

One thing I noted is, that once you're behind true cover they stop shooting immediately, and as soon you pop out from behind cover you're immediately shot, no matter if you crawled to an offset position.

Event Timeline

Fireball edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 23 2014, 6:22 PM
Fireball edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Fireball set Category to AI Issues.
Fireball set Reproducibility to Always.
Fireball set Severity to None.
Fireball set Resolution to Fixed.
Fireball set Legacy ID to 1731516555.May 7 2016, 6:15 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Mar 23 2014, 6:22 PM

I noticed if you lower AI skill in custom difficulty to 0.4 with precision 0.2, it gets "better".

oukej added a comment.Sep 3 2015, 5:51 PM

I believe this has been significantly improved by introducing the aiming error and suppression.