This function may be deprecated and replaced by editor modules.
It would be nice to have a scripted option instead of having hte module have to be player controlled.
The function is using Arma 2 class names for ammo crates and parachutes
This function may be deprecated and replaced by editor modules.
It would be nice to have a scripted option instead of having hte module have to be player controlled.
The function is using Arma 2 class names for ammo crates and parachutes
Helicopter names in editor Helo1
set waypoints and put nul = [helo1,"reammobox"] spawn bis_fnc_supplydrop in act.
Error on rpt file:
Cannot create non-ai vehicle USBasicAmmunitionBox,
Cannot create non-ai vehicle ParachuteMediumWest,
Error in expression <t["DROP_ side %1 para %2 size %3",_side,_para, _paraSize];
_cargoRelPos = [0>
Error position: <_para, _paraSize];
_cargoRelPos = [0>
Error Undefined variable in expression: _para
File A3\functions_f\systems\fn_supplydrop.sqf, line 104
Section that needs class names changed.
if (_classNameToDrop == "reammobox") then
_classNameToDrop = "USBasicAmmunitionBox"; if ((side _veh) == east) then {_classNameToDrop = "RUBasicAmmunitionBox"}; //RULaunchersBox //RUOrdnanceBox //RUBasicWeaponsBox //RUSpecialWeaponsBox //RUVehicleBox if ((side _veh) == resistance) then {_classNameToDrop = "GuerillaCacheBox"}; //SpecialWeaponsBox
if (_classNameToDrop == "land") then
_paraSize = 2; //big chute
_classNameToDrop = "HMMWV_M2"; HMMWV
if ((side _veh) == east) then {_classNameToDrop = "UAZ_MG_INS"}; RULaunchersBox RUOrdnanceBox RUBasicWeaponsBox RUSpecialWeaponsBox RUVehicleBox
if ((side _veh) == resistance) then {_classNameToDrop = "UAZ_MG_INS"}; //SpecialWeaponsBox
_paraName = "";
switch (_paraSize) do
_side = side _veh; if (!(_side in ["East","West"])) then {_side = "West";}; case 0: {_paraName = format["Parachute%1",_side],;}; //ParachuteMediumEast or ParachuteMediumWest not "FLY" (that spawns 150 m above ground) }; case 1: {_paraName = format["ParachuteMedium%1",_side];}; //ParachuteMediumEast or ParachuteMediumWest not "FLY" (that spawns 150 m above ground) }; case 2: {_paraName = format["ParachuteBig%1",_side];};